Sunday, February 27, 2011

Emerging Adulthood: So this is where I am in life

This article was eye-opening for me. It provided me with validation for my current phase of life--a little phase I like to call: "I have no idea what I'm doing." So thank you to Katie Powers for sending this link to me months ago. I'm so glad I finally buckled down and read it. Here's my favorite quote; it sums up my twenty-something feelings pretty well:

"Ask them if they agree with the statement 'I am very sure that someday I will get to where I want to be in life,' and 96 percent of them will say yes. But despite elements that are exciting, even exhilarating, about being this age, there is a downside, too: dread, frustration, uncertainty, a sense of not quite understanding the rules of the game. More than positive or negative feelings, what Arnett heard most often was ambivalence — beginning with his finding that 60 percent of his subjects told him they felt like both grown-ups and not-quite-grown-ups."


  1. I wish I could tell you that things get easier and clearer as you mature, but I can't. Things are the way they are, but you can choose how you react. Yes making life choices is scary, sad, confusing,enjoyable and exciting. But the gift is that it is your decision, your choice and there are many more choices after you make one. Nothing is set. Just be sure to think things through before you act/choose (which I know you do), and don't let the fear of making a mistake be your crutch.

  2. I read the first 2 pages of this article...and I'm not going to lie, I got scared. I always think "when my parents were my age they had this/did this." When I worked at AMP and Nordstrom I certainly felt like I didnt know what I was doing with my life. You know me, I hate surprise and uncertainty. I always live life on the safe side and that is in large part due to my parents. This new era totally scares me. I try not to embrace it too much, but then I always worry that I'm letting life pass me I live my life in a box. What do you think? I would love to talk to you about this. You got my mind going!!!

  3. I love all of you! At least we're not alone!

    Also, I love what your mom wrote! : )

    P.S. I'm watching Sex and the City right now. Miss you!
